
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Got my second batch purchases frm Malaysia Clay Art Online X)

I was more than a very super happy kid getting my new purchase from Malaysia Clay Art Online , i bought the Master Pastel colour, then i got a box of Oyumaru reusable mold maker and some other polymer clays~

Firstly the trying out the Oyumaru mold maker,i actually just use a small glass cup and boiled some water. i cut small pieces of it n threw it inside the hot water.

So i gathered some miniatures tat i make a mold out of it~ u can choose any household stuff like toothpaste cap for the cupcake paper cup, something wif smooth n geometrical items u can easily make a mold out of it.
Below are some of the simple miniatures i would love to duplicate~

(so it came out pretty well~ )

Just one reminder tat at first it will be difficult to handle, the mold maker might harden easily if u r having air-conditioner. 
Another thing is, the mold maker not only need to cover the surface of the item tat u wan to mold it, u need to have an adequate thickness so tat it has enough strength for u to push out the polymer clay without distorting the design.
*Corn flour helps demolding too (*≧▽≦*)

Lastly, i try assembling them together~ n i made tis wonderful cute miniatures <3 nbsp="">

If u can notice, this time i add a little more shades with the Master pastel colour i bought, it was quite easy to apply n very pigmented, im glad it turns out great, although im still not very good at it, i shall practice more to improving on the colour shading~!

a tiny charm update
Gloomy bear charm #handphonestrap #handphoneaccessories
(shall update an tutorial if any r interested


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Polymer Clay crafting for the 1st time!!! X)

So i have been wanting to craft something out of polymer clay for a long time, so the starting of my sem break i decided to buy some to try it out, but i was looking for clay that is not too pricey(as im a student), n i actually did saw the Malaysia Clay Art online shop on Facebook long time ago n eagerly wants to try it out as it was to me affordable as a student wif my tiny bit of penny X)
I bought some basic colours, n at first i was so paranoid i used so many plastic wraps to prevent it from drying out which was really tiring
But to my notice, some of the small piece of clay tat i left outside the plastic wrap didnt dry out as i thought it would(as many sites says some well known brand do dry out or crumble), i add a very little amount of water n tadaaa! it was all nice n soft again~~ <3

On the other hand, for colouring it works terrific wif my leftover acrylic paints~ sadly a few of them dried out like my blue...which is my favourite, i guess i will just hv to buy blue clay or another set of acrylic paint T^T(my wallet~~)
I'm planning on using pastel colour soon when i get to buy it~

then comes another challenge is tat i always get fingerprints on my clay when im shaping, luckily i looked up the net it says put on some Corn flour on ur hand it should solve the problem!

Then comes the hard part, baking, although the website has stated clearly about the temperature but im nt quite familiar wif my own oven, ends up...burning a few of my crafts TT but it was alright~it was worth the try as i did a few more time i kinda understand how it works!

*So i recommend like seriously do a tiny experiment b4 u burn ur hardwork !

Last but not least~ i still had lots of fun in my polymer clay crafting~ <3 

I shall hv more crafts in future!
For now, Happy craftingg!

Friday, October 24, 2014







Friday, August 29, 2014

all my worries

i tell myself~ dear child~dun u worry~~~
everything's gonna be just fine~~
i noe it happened last time...i noe it was so tough... i noe it is very heartbreaking..i noe it is hard to overcome~
dear child dun u worry~
i love u
it is alright to be fear for a lil while~
but dun make it last, wake up
u noe these fears, pain and worries r nt gonna stay... u dun wanna befren them
u will stand
dun u worry
it is u
u r controlling wat is inside
do not be afraid my child
u r so strong, u stand tall
u hv the power to fight against the watsoever
u r the warrior! u fight wif bravery
u come bring back ur pride!

Thursday, August 28, 2014



Monday, June 9, 2014

finally renewed my license to full~~ urhh

(view from lrt taman jaya)the jpj is at the most right~ need to wait a long queue bt once payment has been made,although he says 10minutes,it took like  2minutes for my new license to be "baked" XP

Sunday, May 18, 2014


今天刮花了一个可怕aunty的车。。。只是讲一声sry竟然马上吗sry no use wat has been done has been done!
zzz又不是不赔你=。=""衰到 大骂什么 又不是超级伤,没有要你一块肉,好好跟你说就好了咯,最后一定是没想到我这么快联络mechanic来谈=。= 大家都是怕麻烦的人。。。干嘛非得打电话给全世界了都没有找到一个有帮到你车子的人=。=|||做人eq iq都得高。。。囧 希望这件事早日告一段落。。。。哎 一年发生三次车"祸"

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