
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Got my second batch purchases frm Malaysia Clay Art Online X)

I was more than a very super happy kid getting my new purchase from Malaysia Clay Art Online , i bought the Master Pastel colour, then i got a box of Oyumaru reusable mold maker and some other polymer clays~

Firstly the trying out the Oyumaru mold maker,i actually just use a small glass cup and boiled some water. i cut small pieces of it n threw it inside the hot water.

So i gathered some miniatures tat i make a mold out of it~ u can choose any household stuff like toothpaste cap for the cupcake paper cup, something wif smooth n geometrical items u can easily make a mold out of it.
Below are some of the simple miniatures i would love to duplicate~

(so it came out pretty well~ )

Just one reminder tat at first it will be difficult to handle, the mold maker might harden easily if u r having air-conditioner. 
Another thing is, the mold maker not only need to cover the surface of the item tat u wan to mold it, u need to have an adequate thickness so tat it has enough strength for u to push out the polymer clay without distorting the design.
*Corn flour helps demolding too (*≧▽≦*)

Lastly, i try assembling them together~ n i made tis wonderful cute miniatures <3 nbsp="">

If u can notice, this time i add a little more shades with the Master pastel colour i bought, it was quite easy to apply n very pigmented, im glad it turns out great, although im still not very good at it, i shall practice more to improving on the colour shading~!

a tiny charm update
Gloomy bear charm #handphonestrap #handphoneaccessories
(shall update an tutorial if any r interested



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